
py2app includes a mechanism for working around package incompatibilities, and stripping unwanted dependencies automatically. These are called recipes.

A future version of py2app will support packaging of Python Eggs. Once this is established, recipes will be obsolete since eggs contain all of the metadata needed to build a working standalone application.

Common causes for incompatibility

Some Python packages are written in such a way that they aren’t compatible with being packaged. There are two main causes of this:

  • Using __import__ or otherwise importing code without usage of the import statement.

  • Requiring in-package data files

Built-in recipes


All codecs in the package are imported.


Several of its internal components are automatically imported (languages, parsers, readers, writers, parsers.rst.directives, parsers.rst.langauges).


A dependency on pytz.zoneinfo.UTC is implied, and the matplotlib package is included in its entirety out of the zip file.


The numpy package is included in its entirety out of the zip file.


Locates and includes all image plugins (Python modules that end with, removes unwanted dependencies on Tkinter.


The implicit references on the several modules are removed (Tkinter, tty, BaseHTTPServer, mimetools, select, threading, ic, getopt, nturl2path).


Several data files that are included in the zip file where pygame can find them (freesansbold.ttf, pygame_icon.tiff, pygame_icon.icns).


If the installed version of PyOpenGL reads a version file to determine its version, then the OpenGL package is included in its entirety out of the zip file.


The scipy and numpy packages are included in their entirety out of the zip file.


If sip is detected, then all sip-using packages are included (e.g. PyQt).

Developing Recipes

py2app currently searches for recipes only in the module. A recipe is an object that implements a check(py2app_cmd, modulegraph) method.


The py2app command instance (a subclass of setuptools.Command). See the source for py2app.build_app for reference.


The modulegraph.modulegraph.ModuleGraph instance.

A recipe should return either None or a dict instance.

If a recipe returns None it should not have performed any actions with side-effects, and it may be called again zero or more times.

If a recipe returns a dict instance, it will not be called again. The returned dict may have any of these optional string keys:


A list of filter functions to be called with every module in the modulegraph during flattening. If the filter returns False, the module and any of its dependencies will not be included in the output. This is similar in purpose to the excludes option, but can be any predicate (e.g. to exclude all modules in a given path).


Used to include data files inside the This is a list of 2-tuples: [(subdir, files), ...]. subdir is the path within and files is the list of files to include in that directory.


A list of package names to be included in their entirety outside of the


A list of additional Python scripts to run before initializing the main script. This is often used to monkey-patch included modules so that they work in a frozen environment. The prescripts may be module names, file names, or file-like objects containing Python code (e.g. StringIO). Note that if a file-like object is used, it will not currently be scanned for additional dependencies.